Sunday, July 3, 2011


With Mom and me on the blog earlier and clearly at another Tea Party Rally and soon to be seen with our new Senator, you might have some slightly incorrect ideas and this may be about the last chance I have to set the record straight, having heard a few comments based on some off-the-wall assumptions. So I really hope you will give me a post 80th B’day gift and suspend judgement for a while.

With my Momma, who was the child of Sterling E. Edmunds, the author of such works as The Federal Octopus and The Roosevelt Coup D’Etat , there had been ample support in my pre-Princeton home for more than a headline or sound bite thinking about the direction and future of our Country. Upon graduation in 1953, I asked my mentor, Fr Hugh Halton if I should accept a “job offer” of Regional Coordinator for the John Birch Society. His wise advice was, “Yes but don’t be a martyr for it”, he warned me that the JBS would get a load of media criticism and I would get the same from most of my Princeton and Deerfield “friends”.” As you may remember, the JBS was the first org that was accused by the press of killing Pres. Kennedy. The new look, as you all must have fully realized by now, is if you can’t destroy the Tea Party by calling them all old and out-of-touch, try massive media and WH opposition calling them racists ... when all else fails go Ad Hominem ..even a $100,000 offer by Breitbart for a photo of any sign of Tea Party racism (photo of any racist action or wording on the hand held signs) has had no winner.

Some time ago, I had read two very influential books, The Decline of the American Republic by John Flynn and Peoples Pottage by Garret Garret and was a subscriber to something called the Dan Smoot Report. Both of these books, as well as a couple of others, refocused my thinking re the unique experiment called The United States and the Constitution. ( it wasn’t Rush Limbaugh, he had yet to appear on the radio and we reregistered as Independents ). We had exciting times with our modified JBS plan named The Catholic Crusade Against Communism ‘cause Our Lady warned us all very early that Russia’s errors would spread far and wide. We passed out literature, held rallies in church basements, fought off sex ed in Catholic schools (boy, were some of the handouts sick!) and wrote and called our representatives in Washington often and about any issue in which we believed strongly.

Then life became a bit too settled, after the Cold War and we turned our focus to efforts like FRF. Not a bad thing, but it provided no example of citizen responsibility for the family. We did try to pick schools where we could, that did not teach subtle socialism or omit any real US history, schools we choose such as JQA (John Quincy Adams ) and the Center.

So where are we now, I beg you to understand that this Country may be at the tipping point and that is why Mom and I have given 4 to 5 days a week since mid June volunteering in support of Ron Johnson...( and this choice had little to do with him personally (although he is a very likable and honorable man). Our days were often long but potentially he was the 10th upset Senator. There were 9 other Senators who have the same chance (10 Constitutionalists could control the Senate, block such terrible Supreme Court appointments as Kagen and Sotomayor, and help turn the tide of total fiscal irresponsibility by simply withholding the money...that is the last thing Congress can do now because both Houses have been bypassed by the new rulers and czars of our Country, which they do by creating new agencies and new “legislation” (eg Cap and Tax and Card Check) which are no longer subject to Congressional review. Wisconsin was a key viewed as a key win for the establishment and the professional politicians and it was a total defeat (the Congressman, many in the state legislature and mayors, the Governor and our Senator). We hope adding our small effort will help break the grip of the Progressives or, as correctly called by their own leaders, the Democratic Socialists.

In the package are some reprints which I really hope you will find time to read. The alternative is to read a bunch of books (The Blueprint by Ken Blackwell, The Manchurian President by Arron Klein (wonderfully documented in exquisite detail), To Save American by Newt Gingrich, Restoring The Republic by Devin Nunes, Aftershock by Wiedemer and Spitzer, Lies Your Government has Told You by Judge Andrew Nepolitano, Trickle up Poverty By M Savage (he is very blunt but oh so accurate), The Creature From Jeykel Island (this is the real story of the Federal Reserve and what the big bankers and the major corporations can do and have done to us) and a really great book called, The Five Thousand Year Leap by Cleon Skousen. So rather than dismiss the pile, consider it a culling in order to respect your precious time. But if any of the above books would be read, you get em as a gift.

That’s it y’all and with every hope you will review this stuff and consider becoming an active citizen. We have a Country to save!

P.S. There are a couple of financial items included. As we all know Bush spent us into the poor house but OBama is burning it down. There are a few things that we will try to do to preserve our stash, but if we see hyperinflation due to the Fed Printing trillions of worthless dollars, the choice are few but there are a couple. Should you care, we would be glad to tell you what we are planning to do.